need M1009 transfer case

From: Stephen L Dussetschleger (
Date: Thu Dec 18 2003 - 14:39:49 PST

  Just got done re-installing the drive shaft after a u-joint failure.
Put her in gear & moved down the road. Then it seemed to jump outa gear.
 Kinda like the transfer case jumpin out. Got it back home, checked the
u-joint area I had just worked on ( seems most likely to look @ ), all
OK. Then while down there I saw a huge crack up the side of the transfer
case. Chit. Well, guess I'm a be lookin for a transfer case.
  Anybody got a nice used one ? Idea's on good rebuilt ones ?
  What kind am I lookin for anyways (#'s & letters of its model please) ?
 Thanks, Steve
(KC Mo. USA)

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