Re: [MV] trailer brakes

From: Tom Chism (
Date: Wed Dec 24 2003 - 23:30:14 PST

Here are some links to state laws for towing.
Our DOT Motor Carrier Inspectors in Kansas have been targeting pickups with
trailers to check for functioning brakes and break-away systems. It is an
out-of -service item for a commercial vehicle.

Tom Chism

----- Original Message -----
From: "everette" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 2:16 PM
Subject: [MV] trailer brakes

> I have been told that Tennessee DOT is requring trailers be equipted with
> breakaway system so that if trailer comes loose from towing vehicle it
> automaticly apply trailer brakes
> This brings on a couple of questions in my mind
> 1. Trailer made to be pulled behind M35 has connections to hook truck air
> to trailer brakes, if trailer comes unhooked will brakes come on - I see
> nothing on trailer to make this happen.
> 2. I have one of the thousands of 4 wheel tandem axle car hauling
> with electric brakes, I have been told that I will have to purchase a
> that hooks into this system and has a battery in it that will apply brakes
> should this trailer come unhooked. Anyone heard same thing???
> Everette

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