From: Lee Knoper (
Date: Thu Jan 01 2004 - 12:43:00 PST
On Wed, 31 Dec 2003 23:10:08 -0800, "Caleb Pal, Network Operations"
<> wrote:
> I pulled the pin, and try to take a chisel and loosen the
> nut, I sprayed a cr***load of wd-40 on it, [...]
Possibly threadlock was applied during its last assembly?
FWIW, one penetrant that in my experience works better than either
WD40, LPS-x or Liquid Wrench is Kroil (liquid version) and AeroKroil
(aerosol can version), from Kano Labs, URL <>.
It's also available from various distributors - see, for example:
At a coal fired power plant where I worked we routinely used Kroil.
The manufacturer's claims about the product's effectiveness seemed
rather optimistic at first blush, but it worked surprisingly well.
I've tried to keep some on hand ever since.
Just the other day my brother and I snagged a couple of bucket seats
from a Plymouth Voyager at a local "Pull Your Part" salvage yard. The
exposed threads of the 8 ea 1/2"-13 UNC bolts were seriously corroded.
(The vehicle had spent time in Ohio, so we assume it was partly the
result of road salt.) I liberally applied AeroKroil before and during
disassembly. It was a Major Dawg two hour ordeal, and I really dinged
up my hands in the process, but we got those seats out. It turned out
that the threads had also been threadlocked with the blue compound
("medium strength").
Failing the use of a more effective penetrant or more torque, about
the only recourse that comes to mind would be to apply some kind of
point source heat, to break the chemical bond of any threadlock
(cyanoacrylate) or take advantage of differential expansion (nut
versus shank) - assuming there are no contraindications, naturally. I
imagine the nut is too big, too hard or too inaccessible to use a nut
(I'm new to this forum, so my apologies if the suggestion has arisen
previously. I couldn't find a convenient way to search the archives
before posting something that might be common knowledge.)
Disclaimer: I have no connection to Kano Labs or any of its
distributors, and derive no benefit from this mention.
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