From: jeff j alberhasky (
Date: Fri Jan 09 2004 - 03:41:02 PST

Yes, Taken out of context it is "Not a fact" And yes it does combine
with condensation/water to create sulfuric acid which in turn eats the
brass. I did not make the story up. This was a few yrs ago and I am
almost sure they had said it was due to a sulfur additive. They may
have corrected the problem as they did some/most GL 5 or am I making this
up too? The Pennzoil site , the last time I was there, still warned of
this with there GL 5. I still will not run GL 5 gear lube and any
tranny with brass in it because of what I have seen it do to old Harley
trannys which were full of brass bushings. Back then we did not know
what was causing bushings to wear out so fast. JJA

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