From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 16:01:49 PST
At 3:54 PM -0800 1/14/04, Jim Newton wrote:
>Hello List...
>We're going to use an M3A4 smoke generator that was generously donated
>to our group (thanks, George!) for an upcoming re-enactment event. I
>fired it up yesterday on the very first try and it made gobs of smoke,
>filling the neighborhood before I could shut it off. Here's a picture
>my wife took of my second test firing (my Suburban is completely
>obscured behind the smoke on the left side of the photo):
Heh. That must have been fun!
>I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried using vegetable oil (peanut,
>corn, canola, soy bean, etc.) for the fog oil instead of SGF2 (which
>is 10-weight light petroleum oil, mixed with kerosene to lower the
>viscosity if needed in cold weather).
Be careful with the peanut oil. It could cause
someone with a peanut allergy to drop from
anaphylactic shock.
-- -- Ryan Gill ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | -==---- | O--=- | | /_8[*]°_\ |_/|o|_\_| | _________ | /_[===]_\ / 00DA61 \ |/---------\| __/ \--- _w/|=_[__]_= \w_ // [_] o[]\\ _oO_\ /_O|_ |: O(4) == O :| _Oo\=======/_O_ |____\ /____| |---\________/---| [__O_______W__] |x||_\ /_||x| |s|\ /|s| |s|/BSV 575\|s| |x|-\| |/-|x| |s|=\______/=|s| |s|=|_____|=|s| |x|--|_____|--|x| |s| |s| |s| |s| |x| |x| '60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/3) ----------------------------------------------------------
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