From: Bruce Kalin (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 17:35:20 PST
As the registrations start to arrive from the 2004 East Coast Convoy
Registration Web Page, it is obvious that there is no definitive date
that is appropriate for everyone. Obviously, only one date can be the
Most Appropriate, and eventually a choice will have to be made. The more
people that register early, the easier the decision will be from those
who have made a choice.
Let me make one point which will weigh heavily on the decision, other
than the day that is chosen by the clear majority. Remember that an
arrival on May 5th will NOT be a "Grand Entrance" day for the convoy.
May 5th is vendor set up day, and not open to those who are not vending.
This means that there will not be any of the viewing PUBLIC at the rally
on that day. So, May 5th is not an ideal day for the convoy to arrive
when looked at in the context of the best public relations. May 6th does
give us the best "bang for the buck," but less preview time of the swap
meet items than the May 5th date. The May 7th arrival date is preferable
to those who have obligations that will not allow them to arrive on an
earlier date. Unfortunately, this date would probably be picked as the
last choice by most of the participants, as it drastically shortens the
"shopping days" at the rally.
So, please take these points into consideration when you make your
choice, contact me if you have any questions and, most importantly
register as early as you possibly can, so that we get a true picture of
those who are planning on coming before a choice has to be finalized.
There is one additional option and that is that we get so many
participants that we can actually have two travel days. Let's hope that
this becomes a viable option, if needed.
This link will take you directly to the convoy registration page
-- Bruce Kalin - Coordinator2004 East Coast Convoy
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