Re: [MV] Reflective tailgate tape

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Tue Jan 27 2004 - 15:58:54 PST

At 6:41 PM -0500 1/27/04, Glenn Shaw wrote:
>Hi Sean
>The Red and Yellow reflective decals are required on all US Army
>Vehicles in Europe. USAREUR Regulation. The are called NATO
>Delineators and are made by 3M out of special retroreflective material
>for rear end crash avoidance, same as the red and silver tapes used on

Jeeze. Can't they just paint the rear diff white and shine a 12 watt
bulb on it? Our Granddads did it and they still won the war...


>trucks here in the states. They come in 4" square for M151 size trucks
>and small trailers, 6" square for everything else except the rear
>mudflaps of large trucks and trailers which are 16" square. The 4 " and
>6 " sizes are very hard to find but can be ordered through the mil
>supply system. The 16" ones that are used on the rear of big trucks
>deuce size and up are available from Rick Larsen last I checked. They
>also come preinstalled on plastic sheets with mounting holes for bolting
>on to mudflaps. Front Line Mil Vehicles had some of the 6" ones but
>they are getting very expensive these days. The are VERY visible day
>and night on the rear of a truck.

Which belies the purpose of camouflage does it not?

-                 Data Center Operations Group                -
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- Ryan Montieth Gill                   One CNN Center SE0813 E -
- Internet Technologies   --   Data Center Operations Manager  -
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