Re: [MV] Previews at DRMOs?

From: Michael Howell, DO (
Date: Thu Mar 04 2004 - 19:42:27 PST

I haven't been to preview anything this year, but the last couple of
times I did preview, I had to be escorted by a GL employee. I don't
have a military ID and don't know anyone who does. It is a 2 hour drive
for me to the nearest site. I would be pretty mad if I made the drive
to look at something I really wanted and not make it past the gate.

I usually like to preview things before I will give top dollar. If I
can't count on getting past the gate, it will make a big difference in
how much and how often I will bid.

Tishomingo, MS wrote:

>Have any MV buyers experienced difficulties with on-site previews since GL
>stopped providing escorts in January '04?

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