From: chance wolf (
Date: Sun Mar 07 2004 - 19:12:24 PST
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Doherty" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Gun Ring for M35
> Ryan,
> And who in their right mind would just stroll up to that turret with the
> protruding and act the least bit unfriendly??????
> John
We had a club event here in Vancouver in which quite a few vehicles turned
out, one of which was an M135 with the turret ring, skate and Browning .50
M2HB mounted. We pulled into a rest-stop on the side of one of our 'B'
Highways about 40 odd miles from Vancouver proper, and managed to wind up
right next to a Mountie car. As the guy walks over to talk to us, a huge
convoy of Hells Angels roars down the street toward the solitary traffic
light, with one of its members riding out to block off the intersection in
order to let the convoy of choppers pass intact without having to worry
about the state of the light. The RCMP officer looks at us, looks at the
endless stream of thundering leather-jacketed Harley aficianados, then up at
the deuce's .50 Cal.
"D'ya mind if I borrow that for a bit? I wanna clean somethin' up..."
Heh. It was priceless. Dan will remember that, won't you Dan? :)
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