Re: [MV] CUCV stopped moving

From: chance wolf (
Date: Wed Mar 10 2004 - 07:58:16 PST

----- Original Message -----
From: "mark baxter" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 10:10 PM
Subject: [MV] CUCV stopped moving

> Folk
> I got the CUCV Blazer running Sunday after it had been sitting for almost
> years, My friend was running it around his property when he was coming up
> driveway incline, all the sudden the horn honked by itself 3 times he
> up to back it in the parking spot and it would not go into reverse, he
> went around the block again, stopped put it in park and moved some stuff
> pull the truck in and it would not go forward. Any Ideas??
> Thanks Mark M-886 and M-1009

The horn going off by itself on the trucks I've dealt with is usually either
the contact beneath the steering-wheel cover shorting or broken; the wire
leading from the bottom of the column bare and shorting - or a defective
horn relay itself. With the not going into gear thing, hmm...I'd look under
the truck and have someone work the shifter while you observe what's going
on with the actual control arm mounted to the transmission. If you're
suspicious, disconnect the shifter linkage from the control arm mounted to
the transmission and manually work the gears from there to see if they click
on the detents. If all is okay there, check fluid levels and the usual
(which you will have done anyway, of course), but if the fluids are

When I've had transmissions cooked due to an overheat condition I usually
get a really slippy 3rd gear and a reverse that "winds up" before it will
slushily move the truck. Transmission shop said that particular problem is
quite common ("you thrashed your direct-drive clutches", I think he said),
but I can't remember that affecting first gear.

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