From: GOTaM35 (
Date: Sun Mar 21 2004 - 16:48:09 PST
I picked up my latest load of booty from, dare I say it, GL, and I have a
couple of things that go to some kind of MV but I have no idea what.
Item one:
This is a vehicle cover that is small, white and has a little window in it.
It looks like a bikini top for a large truck, if you can image that. Has a
stiff rod (please no jokes) that runs from one end to the other so it is
packed up in a box about one foot wide and 7 feet long. I'm not sure if I
have a nsn number but here are some numbers.
AM generals number is 12340737-3
The acquisition cost of these is only about $100 each so I'm sure they are
not worth anything, I'm just curious what they are.
Item two:
These are aluminum (I think) bumper looking things. nsn 2590011863109.
Acquisition cost: 279.81
Several other things, but I think I can haul them to the East coast rally
and get some of you experts to identify them. Speaking of the rally, if
anyone participating in the convoy from the south that has not received an
email from me or sent an email to me, please do so. If you want to see what
us southern fellows are up to we have a forum on the NCMVPA web site which
will contain more info later in the week. Here it is:
Joe Trapp
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