From: Ron (
Date: Tue Mar 23 2004 - 12:24:24 PST
A couple of weeks back, someone was asking about USAF M35s?
An interesting site with quite a few 1958-1962 era photos of USAF
vehicles as stationed at the 6 USAF manned Gap Filler radar sites in Canada.
(One year, no leave postings. No DVDs, VHS tapes, PCs or Internet back then.
Stir Crazy comes to mind...but they were supplied with 1500 cases of beer
per year per site, with 24 personnel per site or 60 cases per man per
This link below has photos of USAF M35, M37 (referred to as a 'Jeep' by
the zoomies), a Weasel and an USAF Cat D-9. Some of the photos clearly show
there were no bumper markings on the vehicles.
Different site, same type vehicles, must have been standard Motor Pool
for the stations?
Nice shot of a Weasel....other stations Weasels were painted bright
yellow, while this one was OD, not Fed Strata Blue...
And a couple of good photos of period USAF markings on an M35
Regards, Ron
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