From: Glenn Shaw (
Date: Thu Apr 08 2004 - 20:40:12 PDT
They did. The radio mouint has the buss fuse built in on the MT1729.
You are all set in case of a short in the equipment. If you are worried
about the 10 feet of S type power cord then your fuse idea will take
care of that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Tighe []
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 4:55 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] Fireworks
I can't figure why Uncle Sam has not put something like a 30 amp
cartridge fuse in series with the radio line at the battery!
Just finished up installing an extensive radio package in the M998 and
for the life of me, don't know why that primary power line, CX-4720 is
not fused at the goes right to the battery and could cause
a disasterous fire if it ever meets ground!
I'm putting in a fuse tomorrow! I'd recommend it to all Mil Vehicle
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