From: Larry Tighe (
Date: Tue Apr 13 2004 - 13:02:17 PDT
Chemical And R????? Covering? Is that what CARC means?
Howdy All Knowledgeable ONES;
I just received a 10 frequency selector box for the RT-246 and the box is
CARC coloured and has "CARC" stamped on the back in black lettering.
Why is CARC stamped when you can see the colour? Is CARC dangerous i.e.,
not to be breathed when sanding? I've heard that from a friend.
What does CARC accomplish that other paint/colour does not?
I'd sure appreciate, just once, hearing the "whole story" on CARC so I can
print it out and never have to ask again. Or, is there maybe a URL
somewhere that tells the CARC story?
"They" say the only dumb question is the one not asked so, I'm putting that
theory to the test :>)
Many thanks to any who might know/help,
Lar under construction with some mil pix
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