From: Marc Strangfeld (
Date: Sat Apr 17 2004 - 20:39:10 PDT
I'm glad to hear your friend is ok physically, that
sounds pretty traumatic. It's gotta be tough to get
behind the wheel after something like that.
--- J <> wrote:
Thanks for the update, Marc. I am putting together
a flashing amber light,after hearing of your
accident. You were lucky, as you well know.
Could'vebeen much worse. A close friend got in a wreck
the other day. The other guydied, all of a sudden. A
little Honda car went to pass and smacked my
friendhead-on. My friend was in a 5 ton tractor with a
lowboy and a light load.The impact removed the truck's
front end and tossed it underneath the truck,coming to
a rest between the duals and the trailer. The Honda
passed completelyunderneath the entire truck/trailer.
There was no victim to even point at.He and the car
were totally destroyed in less than a second. It looks
likeit could have been a suicide, actually.
So, count your blessings. My friend is ok. Banged
up a little, but ok.That Honda musta been going close
to the speed of light. Jim
Marc Strangfeld wrote:
A couple of weeks ago I posted that I was rear endedon
I-94 (just south of Eau Claire, WI) by
atractor-trailer. I said I would let you all know
howit turned out. My truck is basically unharmed.
The drivers sidebumper took most of the hit and is not
even bent. Thetailgate on my dropside bed is bowed in
a littlehowever. I have a tailgate to replace it but
willwait until I repaint the truck. Everything else
isok. Frame alignment included. I finally reached an
agreed repair price with theinsurance company
yesterday. The insurance adjusterwas better to deal
with than I planned on. He isVietnam veteran so we
had some common ground (I referto the truck, I am not
a veteran) but regardless stillis employed by an
insurance company. The truck driverwas found at fault
and given a citation for followingtoo close. My own
investigation revealed he was givena citation for
inattentive driving less than sixmonths ago. Chances
are he is looking for anotherline of work. I
appreciated all the replies ofsuggestions and well
wishes. I have not modified thetruck yet for safer
night driving but I plan to do so,especially before I
take it to Colorado again thisyear.Thanks againMarc
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