From: Nigel Hay (
Date: Sat Apr 24 2004 - 00:31:30 PDT
As I took my daily early morning bike ride through the bocage, past the farm
with the Panzer road wheels and the endless bits of PSP and sand ramping I
decided to take a new lane about 5 miles out that I had never noticed
before- it turned out to be a dead end - a la difference......
In the early morning sunlight I spotted a glint on a large piece of granite
at the entrance to a large Normandy manoir house. It turned out to be the
light catching the gold lettering on an impressive ( and looks fairly
recent) memorial to 6 US airmen who crashed there in April 1944, whilst
dropping weapons supplies to the resistance, as part of the pre invasion
operation. it lists the crew and there role on board the plane.
Never far from historical interest around here for sure.
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