Re: [MV] Fuel economy - FLAME (NOT)

From: Convoy Magazine (
Date: Sat Apr 24 2004 - 07:22:07 PDT

If I may add, my $0.02

I suspect, there may have been a bit of
misunderstanding- which is ALWAYS possible in email.

Perhaps Jeff(?) was upset at those who take an
antique/historic vehicle- in this case- an MV and try
to make it into something it was not.

Someone who takes a perfecty good/restorable Model A
and puts a Toyota engine into it.. well...why??? get a
Toyota. the A wasnt designed that way..

BUT!!!! To get the best out of something that is..and
even make some minor "improvements" without
substantially altering what it is, I suspect that most
of us would really have no problem with that.

How many antique car owners do we know that end up
adding the period "options" that were available but
didnt in fact come with their particular car? No-one
kicks up much of a fuss and its kinda similar in a

But for example,I myself knew a guy that bought a CMP
and wanted to convert it to left hand drive, put a
Diesel engine into it etc etc etc That was a P*O* when
I heard about that!
GEEZ -it's a WWII truck!! if you wanted a modern
truck, buy a more modern truck fercrissakes and save
that one for someone who appreciates WHAT IT IS!

Fortunately, he wasnt up to the task and the truck was
sold without significant damage!!

Anyway, in the end, as long as it looks very much like
what its supposed to be, myself I really just like to
see them on the road..

0.02 spent ;-)

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