From: Glenn Shaw (
Date: Sun Apr 25 2004 - 09:17:09 PDT
Hi Art
No I would say that your posts on the subject of fueling our diesels are
right on topic. I would add that up until recently I heated my shop
with one of those waste oil forced hot air oil burner systems. It
worked great but required more time and effort re. filters etc. I
fueled it not only from the oil drain generated here but with the oil I
picked up for free from the local high school auto shop. The kids
change their oil there all day long so there was a good amount. The HS
used to have to pay to have it taken away as Haz Mat and were very
thrilled because I would show up with a truck and pump it out for free.
Then the lawyers hit like with everything else in the US. I was told
that I needed a HazMat DOT vehicle to pick up the oil and carry it away.
I was told I had to post a crazy amount of a bond to guard against a
spill on Town property. People started looking at it like I was trying
to build a nuclear plant in town. End of story, I went back to burning
Saudi oil in the burner and forgot the whole thing. And now the school
is paying 25 cents a gallon to have it (the HAZMAT) taken away.??? I
hope they don't consider restaurant veggie oil hazmat. They
shouldn't....after all we eat the stuff. But the old petro oil is
-----Original Message-----
From: m35products []
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 12:03 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] Biodiesel
I hope I don't get flamed for posting something that is not in any way
related to MV's except for the fact that they use Diesel.
If you want to gnash your teeth over someone else's cleverness, and say
"why didn't I think of that!" here is an example of American enterprise:
A man in Southampton, NY established a small chain of oil-change stores.
He also found that the work uniforms that he rented for his employees
were costing him a bunch. So he opened an industrial laundry and
established a work uniform-rental business. The boilers are fired
with... you guessed it... waste oil. His electric bills were high, so he
put in his own generator, and is now a co-generator, and gets paid by
the electric company. He also gets paid to pick up waste oil from other
sources, and vegetable oil from the fast-food places. His waste oil
pick-up trucks run on bio-Diesel. The only thing he hasn't done yet is
to pay his employees with gift-certificates from Burger King.
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