From: chance wolf (
Date: Tue Apr 27 2004 - 08:32:56 PDT
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 3:39 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] M1009 tires + M211 and trailers
> Caleb, most 33" tires will clear on the M1009 so long as they are
> on the 8" wheel and you don't bind it up much. If you start crossing
creeks at
> an angle contact will surely occur.
One of the M1009s in town has the 33" tires, and the friend who owns it got
away from clearance issues by installing a 3" lift. Another friend with a
1009 saw the modified one, fell in love, and followed suit with his own
truck. They say there's no cutting involved, so putting it back to stock
wouldn't be much of a feat. I like the stock look of my own M1009 so I've
no plans to copy them, plus I had some concerns that the bigger tires might
place extra strain on a rear-end I already consider a bit underdesigned to
start with (having already replaced one.)
> As far as backing the little M107, it's a bear with a
> deuce. I try to avoid backing mine but when I do, as soon as a trailer
> appears in the window I fight to correct it and send it the other way. By
> time I get it where I want it there are squigly tire marks all over the
place and
> my arms are sore as heck.
We did that in the Reserves too. Better mirrors would probably help if you
could get them to stick out far enough and still be practical, but failing
that, it's a bit like herding cats.
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