From: Glenn Shaw (
Date: Tue Apr 27 2004 - 21:04:41 PDT
Not true. The Detroit Diesel Indirect Injection Diesels blow the doors
of the comparable Ford Powerjoke Direct Injection diesel from the
standpoint of fuel mileage. Not theory but hard numbers and experience
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard []
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:22 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] GM6.2L diesel design, and electric hydraulic pump n'
"'....It was designed for.....and good fuel economy with its
precombustion chamber indirect injection system.""
It may have been designed for economy, but the economy
didn't come from putting a pre-chamber in it <g>.
Pre-combustion diesels have -poorer- fuel economy, because
they have higher surface area per unit volume (displacement); thus,
worse heat-losses.
The chamber is there to enable the engine run at a higher RPM, thus
giving more HP from that displacement.
The lowest specific fuel consumption diesels are "direct injection".
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