Aberdeen Weather

From: Brian Sikkema (bjsikkem@mtu.edu)
Date: Sun May 02 2004 - 07:11:39 PDT

Snowing here in Houghton, MI, too. Bleh... it was over 70 on Wednesday! Of
course, last April we had one week where it was over 90 on Wednesday, and
below freezing on Friday... that's just how it goes around here. And two
years ago we had a full-up snowstorm on May 9. In fact, the only month we
haven't recorded snowfall is August - Houghton has had snow on the 4th of

Unfortunately I can't make it to Aberdeen to enjoy that nice weather. But I
will be headed home to Grand Rapids in a week, so it won't be quite this
bad. And I'll be in Columbus, MS, for a week in July... If past years are
any indicator, I'll be praying for snow then!!


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