RE: [MV] Homeland Security Needs Your Help

From: William Taylor (
Date: Mon May 10 2004 - 15:43:54 PDT

> To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
> Subject: [MV] Homeland Security Needs Your Help
> They need your help to carry out their mandate without acting
> like a pack of jackbooted Rottweilers.

Perhaps I'm being a bit sensitive, being a cousin to those
"jack booted thugs" but let me suggest that your country
try being less of a home to the terrorist and more of a
partner in this anti terrorism business. One of the
many ways the idiots have of getting into secure areas
and detonating their vbied's is by stealing or converting
a military vehicle.

I read stolen emergency vehicle reports quite often along
with stolen gasoline tankers and the like. I don't blame
them for checking, I do have a concern if they were using
the tone you indicated in your post. They have supervisors, call the
office and make a complaint.


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