Re: [MV] Fuel price web site from DOE

Date: Fri May 14 2004 - 07:49:19 PDT

Paul, we're getting screwed in CA for 2 reasons:

1. That gang of politicians in Sacramento keeps heaping more taxes on motor fuel.

2. No CA based refining facilities have been built here in far too many years.
    Thank you extremist greenies!!


"Paul A. Thomas" wrote:
> > All I know is that I feel sorry for the West Coast, with their
> > $2.30/gal diesel.
> ~SNARF!!~
> Why does California have to be the place where the oil companies
> test/decide what the remainder of America will tolerate in the way of
> gas price hikes?
> I hereby nominate the east coast as the proving grounds for petrol
> pricing. And would someone please bring back ' tricky Dicky ' , who was
> smart/kind/who knows? enough to freeze gasoline prices in the early/mid
> 70's for half a year while the country got it's breath back?
> Younger George Bush:
> no. This is an MV list. YMMV.
> Paul A. Thomas
> MVPA# 24986
> '53 REO M35 Fire Conversion
> '53 AEC Chevy 3/4 Ton

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