Re: [MV] The MUTT project is underway at last!! Need a warning decal.

From: Stephen L Dussetschleger (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 11:54:46 PDT

"After it's all done, the plan is to get it titled and registered.
Haven't yet decided
whether to do this in CA or TX. It hasn't ever had a civvy
title/registration, so I'll
take care of that in whichever of those two states has the smallest
hassle index. :)

" Talk to Ted of Teds trucks & stuff down south. He has done 3 titles I
knmow of & I would do the title thing again wiht him in a second. And I
will as I undoubtably will end up AGAIN someday wiht atitle-less vehicle.
 But not the tank, I don't care if it doens't have a title. Its a tank.

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