Re: [MV] identify direct exhaust deviation valve

From: everette (
Date: Tue Jun 01 2004 - 05:19:33 PDT

This sounds kind of like device that my friends and I used many years ago to
make our cars/trucks "sound good" -- several variations, but basically a "y"
in the exhaust, ours were before muffler, and some sort of control so you
could open the side of the "y" that let exhaust exit to outside without
going through muffler.
The more expensive rigs had butterfly and control cable. Some had
extension that ran alongside car to just before rear wheels, others like
mine, (could not afford long chrome pipe) exited just under front door.
Some fellows (me for one) had a plate held on by wing nuts that you could
take off and uncover bypass pipe.

Lots of money paid to court for "improper mufflers" - not by me.. I never
got caught, was afraid of how I would explain to my wife why I did did this.

But even now I can remember how my 1957 Ford V8 dual exhaust sounded with
both covers off, and at night blue flames came out exhaust. -- Maybe a
contributing factor to my (wife says) hearing loss....


----- Original Message -----
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 6:46 AM
Subject: [MV] identify direct exhaust deviation valve

Hi list, last weekend was with my father and saw his
gasoline pick up with this kind of valve installed
need some help to identify it whit his "real name" and
some possible source, he obtain it too munch time ago
it is some kind of butterfly valve that goes in the
exhaust tube just after the device used to silent the
exhaust gases so you are able to decide if you go to
open exhaust to make a great sound with a diesel
to show
and maybe gain some little no restriction power when



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