From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Sat Jun 12 2004 - 23:57:45 PDT
At 1:12 PM -0500 6/12/04, David Cole wrote:
>That works ok dividing up the voltage like that?
>I would think that if the lamps weren't exactly
>identical one would hog the power while
>depriving the other.
It's all in series, so the voltage drop will be
the same no matter which side the hotter lamp is
on. The thing is, both lamps are of 12 volt spec
and they'll work just fine in that pattern.
-- -- Ryan Gill ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | -==---- | O--=- | | /_8[*]°_\ |_/|o|_\_| | _________ | /_[===]_\ / 00DA61 \ |/---------\| __/ \--- _w/|=_[__]_= \w_ // [_] o[]\\ _oO_\ /_O|_ |: O(4) == O :| _Oo\=======/_O_ |____\ /____| |---\________/---| [__O_______W__] |x||_\ /_||x| |s|\ /|s| |s|/BSV 575\|s| |x|-\| |/-|x| |s|=\______/=|s| |s|=|_____|=|s| |x|--|_____|--|x| |s| |s| |s| |s| |x| |x| '60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/3) ----------------------------------------------------------
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