From: Glenn Shaw (
Date: Sun Jun 20 2004 - 11:06:43 PDT
Im afraid that its still very much alive in the small communist country
of Massachusetts. C 90 ss. 10. No license to drive the vehicle in
question.........arrest. You can always fight it, just have the time
to be inconvenienced and money, plenty of it for all your appearances.
No point in argueing it on this list its just how it is. Drive around
states like that or avoid getting stopped under any circumstance. It is
however on topic for the list since we all like to drive these big
green rigs.
>I somehow doubt that Mass will purposely impound a vehicle that is
>legally registered in the United States, and have a leg to stand on.
>It may not be by their state laws, but the registration is legal and
>binding elsewhere, and that is what counts. You know, it is the UNITED
>States, they can't so blatantly disregard that it has legal
Minor thing such as the Full Faith and Credit Claus...
"Oh Mister, you don't have our license to drive
your car? Well you're going to jail." That was
stopped way back when and it doesn't work now I
don't think.
-- -- Ryan Gill
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