Re: [MV] Off Topic: Nat'l Guard Redeployment

From: Ida Heath (
Date: Sat Jul 03 2004 - 18:30:22 PDT

I agree, they should be guarding the nation, not deployed overseas. I
believe that we have William Jefferson Clinton to thank for that. He did
everything but close the entire defense force down during his eight years.
I've noticed that happen everytime a Democrat is elected in the last fifty
years. I believe that there should have been a huge build up as soon as "W"
went in to office but that wouldn't have been politically correct would it?


----- Original Message -----
From: Paul A. Thomas <>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2004 3:26 PM
Subject: [MV] Off Topic: Nat'l Guard Redeployment

> I have found it really odd that the NG has been sent to Iraq to fight a
> war when we have troops all over the world who ARE trained and equipped
> to do so who have not been. Growing up my impression was that the Guard
> was here to help with domestic problems and Possibly to relieve active
> duty forces so that those forces could go fight an action..
> I know this is off topic, and apologize for it, but I've been wondering
> about this since we went back into Iraq. And this list tracks military
> matters closely. I have not seen anything about this in the press or on
> the radio. I know our forces were down sized tremendously but why are NG
> troops being killed when we have active duty troops available all around
> the world? And to get home and be 're-deployed'...
> Were the Guard so widely used in the first Iraq war? In Vietnam?
> Thanks
> Paul
> *********************
> Hadn't seen that about units getting tapped to deploy again. I saw the
> bit about calling up from the Inactive ready reserve. And I know there
> are some who deployed on Homeland security missions who then went with
> units overseas. And I know we are short some types of units needed at
> this time. But I don't think a draft would solve anything, except maybe
> to get "K" elected. The active duty folks I talk to aren't interested in
> a draft, TRADOC isn't set up to train huge numbers of draftees, there
> isn't the infrastructure to support a large influx of draftees and you
> will note the only one with any political will to suggest it has bee
> Charels Rangle.
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