From: Royce C Hayes (
Date: Sun Jul 04 2004 - 12:02:36 PDT
looking at some of your comments, are you or have you ever been in the
military? Some of you comments seem to follow the Dems talking points
against Pres. Bush and against the war.
I was in the military during the Vietnam conflict. I am not in favor of
tucking our tails and running any more.
I am also in kicking their rears over there, else, we will be fighting
them over here.
Personally, I don't give a rat's rear what motivated Pres. Bush to go
into Iraq nor who gets called up to serve their country. I was a product
of the draft and I served my time.
When you sign up and you draw the money, if a war breaks out during that
time, then that is what comes with the territory.
I know that this is being hard nosed, but, if they don't want to serve,
then don't sign up and draw the pay. It's not just a job and a way to get
an extra retirement for free.
On Sun, 4 Jul 2004 14:36:27 -0400 "Steve Grammont"
<> writes:
> Steve
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