Re: [MV] Off Topic: Nat'l Guard Redeployment

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Sun Jul 04 2004 - 15:18:06 PDT

At 4:46 PM -0400 7/4/04, Steve Grammont wrote:
>Some would say that the Southern and Christian viewpoint has been the
>oppressing force for decades if not centuries. Certainly the African
>American community has a legitimate claim to make on this point.

Perhaps, but I'll defer to the 1st Generation
Africans that look at American blacks with
bemusement for their complaints of lack of
opportunity. The people I know from Nigeria
especially know what oppression really is and
view the problems here as barely an annoyance.

Frankly, I think things have progressed to the
point where one needs to stop throwing one's
ethnic status in the face of others for both
benefit and hindrance.

>Gee... I haven't seen any of that. Care to cite sources? However, as a
>historian I have seen tons of pictures of nice white American Christians
>standing around smiling at lynched Blacks who had the misfortune of being

Its a complex thing. The SS were normal people
that sought out power and performed exceedingly
atrocious things to people. One cannot look at
someone based on outside appearances and
determine how evil they may or may not be. One
has to go on their actions alone.

>True, but fighting a war that can not be won is a very bad idea. Muslims
>make up, what, 1/3rd of the world's popluation? It's going to be a long
>time before we can kill and subdue all those people. Look how much
>trouble Hitler had dealing with a mere 6 million Jews. Learn from
>history... you can't win ideological warfare by military action alone,
>not to mention wholesale genocide or ethnic cleansing.

What we need is more buy in from them. Not less.
Bombing a Mosque for the point of bombing a
mosque will not do any good. What needs to be
stressed is that our guys have gone out of their
way to avoid damaging religious sites in Iraq, to
the point of risking their own lives. What isn't
mentioned enough is that when it was even
suspected a church tower in Normady was being
used by the Germans, it was dropped. That's what
needs to be stressed.

Our soldiers need to keep the white hats on.
Going over the line and killing civilians for the
hell of it in Iraq won't fix things. However,
those extremists that are committing murder do
need to pay. Jail time or death sentences need to
be handed out to those that have committed murder.

>The worst enemies of Freedom are those who seek to take it away from
>others under the guise of protection for a select few. Hate doesn't
>solve problems, it only creates them. That is the way it has always been
>and always will be. And that is why we are in the mess we are in today.

Unfortunately many people are very willing to
trade freedom for security both as civilians and
as government figures. That's why you need to
support groups like the ACLU, NRA and EFF. I'm a
member of all three. Each has it's own merits and
area of specialization.

Ryan Gill    
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'60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/3)

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