From: Lee Franklin (
Date: Tue Jul 06 2004 - 08:10:58 PDT
>>Ma Deuce is handy tool for EOD.
>>More likely, though, it was simply used to transport things,
>>but you never know..
>I thought they used the .50 barrets and their
>kind for the work. More accurate, more stable,
>smaller, more portable.
What's a .50 Barret?
I'm not familiar with it's use by US troops.
The only machinegun in .50 cal I am familiar with is the M2.
I have seen EOD pop unexploded howitzer rounds with a mounted
M2 HB Machinegun, carried on a 113, at the firing range in
Graffenwohr. Ol Ma Deuce is a very dependable and long used
machinegun by not only EOD, but within the entire US Arsenal.
As far as accurate.. a lot of these rounds may not be clearly
visible (it landed in that area where the ground is poofed out)
as far as stable.. you mean a ring mounted weapon isn't stable?
smaller.. probably.. don't see why that would matter.
More portable.. Once it is on the back of a vehicle.. it's very
An M2 HB is pretty much vehicle mount only, and a powerful weapon.
I would be suprised if this .50 Barret used the same powerful
round as the M2 (.50 BMG), if it is a man portable rifle of some sort.
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