Re: [MV] M880 - steering

From: Royce C Hayes (
Date: Thu Jul 29 2004 - 05:23:44 PDT

I have seen in some after market catalogs a back up plate or stiffener to
reinforce the frame where the power steering box is mounted to the frame.
 I had an '82 K5 4x4 that I had to replace the steering box because of
wear, and the frame on it was OK. I understand that a cracked frame is
quite common on some models. I suppose it depends on how much the vehicle
was abused.

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 06:49:28 -0500 "everette" <>
> I have considerable experience driving GMC/Chevy trucks that have
> become let
> us say "mature" - There are some things that deserve attention
> regarding
> steering, "been there done that"
> Frame will crack where steering box is mounted, sometimes a section
> of frame
> where bolts are will tear out, the cross member that rivets to
> frame
> adjacent to steering box will shear off rivets, frame itself will
> crack just
> above steering box mount. - this has all happened to me - all
> trucks were
> power steering, but I do not think would make any difference.. This
> has
> happened to trucks that work for a living, haul loads in excess of
> manufactures recommendation, pull heavy trailers. - lots of miles
> I have been fortunate that these were discovered in response to
> desire to
> correct sloppy steering, Could have been discovered when steering
> box fell
> out on to highway.
> I see no reason that other truck manufactures could not have same
> problems
> Everette
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