From: chance wolf (
Date: Wed Aug 11 2004 - 07:31:42 PDT
----- Original Message -----
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:08 AM
Subject: [MV] Renting the humvee for a movie ??$
> an offer came to me from a guy in
> US that told me that he can rent it for making a movie
> anyone have experience on that, how munch they pay?
> donīt know the time but I think tey have different
> prices for days and months
Be careful of movie deals. It's best to be on set with your vehicle while
they're filming just to make sure they have to get your okay for stunts and
nearby explosions and cosmetic changes and stuff before they go and do it,
then apologize later. It's no use getting the guarantees of the movie
people and watching your vehicle go down the driveway on their flatdeck
either, as those sorts of guarantees don't count for much.
As for rates, they vary considerably all over the globe, even among major
film centers in North America. Los Angeles is currently the highest, I
think. An enterprising person might call up one of the outfits in
California and ask them how much it costs to rent a Humvee for a film per
day/week/production period so that you'll have that up your sleeve when it
comes to negotiating with whoever wants to rent yours.
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