From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Fri Sep 10 2004 - 08:45:23 PDT
>Those documents were all faked and forged by liars groping for false
>truth and desperatly trying 'again' to slander our Commander in Chief,
I suppose the original documents from the Pentagon and Texas Air National
Guard are fakes too? You know, the ones that had the Col. Jerry
Killian, who died in 1984 complaining about "pressure from higher-ups to
give Bush positive evaluations and said Bush talked about how to avoid
taking a physical exam in 1972, when Bush eventually skipped six months
of training and lost his pilot's wings for missing the exam." See article:
It isn't slander when its the truth. You know there is a reward out for
anybody that will swear that he served with Bush and that Bush was not
AWOL, yet nobody has come forward? At least nobody questions the fact
that Kerry DID show up WAS in Vietnam and DID participate in a firefight.
>written on a late model computer, not a 30 year old typewriter. Kerry is
>a disgrace to the uniform and all this country stands for.
Cheney and Rumsfeld didn't wear a uniform to disgrace, though the 1000
dead in Iraq might like an opportunity to say a word or two to say about
Cheney and Rumsfeld's ability to lead this country in time of war.
Remember... the war was supposed to cost $20 billion (now $200 billion
and climbing) and all of our troops were to be pulled out 3 months ago
(more troops there now than before and it still isn't 1/2 what is
needed). Perhaps that is why we now have troop morale problems and a
record budget deficit looming ahead for us taxpayers.
Face it... the current administration is incompetent. They violated
every principle behind the Powell Doctrine, which is probably why Powell
was one of the only voices against the war when it became clear we were
going with or without a solid case, allies, or (gasp) a workable military
plan. And the bad joke that was the "Coalition of the Willing" is now
basically the Coalition of the Unwilling as more of the tiny number of
foreign troops are pulled out (Bulgaria and Ukraine are now joining Spain
and Philippines).
I'm constantly amazed that anybody from the Vietnam era can turn a blind
eye to what is going... it's the same old same old same old. Politicians
running a war for political and economic reasons in opposition to sound
military logic, death toll, or fiscal responsibility.
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