RE: [MV] Spamer on the MV List

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Mon Sep 13 2004 - 13:49:50 PDT

At 4:36 PM -0400 9/13/04, Stu Ellis wrote:
>No, it is James M. Atkinson himself who is using the list to spam me. I
>told him to stop F...... sending me spam. He has now tried to call where I
>work to try to get me fired. That's pretty funny since I am self employed.

What did he send as spam? James has been on the
list since 4/03 (first post I saw). Are you sure
you have the right target and this isn't a
mistaken Blue on Blue? ie someone spamtrapped his
e-mail addy and used it as a source?

  Ryan Gill    
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