From: Nigel Hay -MILWEB (
Date: Fri Sep 17 2004 - 11:44:34 PDT
I am glad you mentioned Pensecola -I am reminded a few years ago in a junk
shop in the UK I bought a graduation plate dated I think 1940 from Pensecola
Naval Air Station and with wonderful artwork of Harvard, PBY Catalina etc -
I assume these were part of the " you've passed" ceremonial dinner? it
really was a lovely piece of porcelain and I wish I had kept it, but that's
And just to keep on about our love of military vehicles, in this case quasi
military vehicles - ok civvy with a strong military pedigree, the current
Madame is as I write about to get in a hired -with-driver stretched Hummer
H2 with 10 of her 18 ( today) year old daughters friends for a night out
around London's west end night spots in celebration of the daughters
birthday - god help Knightsbridge! Those of you familiar with the antics of
the Bolinger ( champagne) addicted Patsy in "Absolutely Fabulous" may
relate to my current romantic situation......
Like cocaine, I told her it was Gods way of telling you that you have way
too much money.
I felt it only right to spare no expense on the cost of international calls
and give them both a brief but easy to remember synopsis of the Humvee
variants and explain quite why the US Army doesn't actually use the
stretched ones - if it ever invades London by mistake it may do , but
certainly not in the desert climes of Iraq.
They listened attentively ( well they were certainly silent for so long I
thought the line had gone dead) as I explained about Kevlar bodies and how
some field workshops were attempting to armour them. Perhaps harshly, I
felt, Madame asked if I was reading this out of one of my magazines, she
was impressed when I said "no its common knowledge to us MV collectors".
They obviously understood and took the info in, because I was neither asked
to repeat anything, nor did they question anything I said.
Sadly I had to miss a lot of useful information because apparently there
was another call waiting. However, I felt that the knowledge would be
shared amongst the other guests on the hours drive into the Royal Borough,
as MV enthusiasts its important to widen the knowledge base of the public.
C'est la vie.
PS This is my entry for getting the most diverse ramblings about an MV into
a posting on this newsgroup -
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 5:00 PM
Subject: [MV] Ivan
> No major problems here, thank the Lord! Lots of 40-50 mph wind, but the
> tornadoes that were all around missed us.
> We are still on generator power. The ol' 30K never goes over idle and
> we just cruise along like normal.
> I've tried call Jeff several times and have been unable to reach him.
> Rich (Riv-Rad) is in Summerdale, AL and it was pretty much ground
> He rode out the storm in his concrete bunker (floor, top and sides) that
> built when he built his shop/whse. building a couple of years ago. He
> he was very fortunate, but it was a very scary experience. If you know
> you should call him (later, after he gets dome with the cleanup) and hear
> his tale.
> Pensacola was hit pretty hard, too. I think Jeff and the family had
> evacuated before things got bad.
> Sonny is only about 40 miles from me, so I imagine they had wind
> to trees and power lines in his area like we did. He may not be back
> yet.
> Hootie is pretty much out of the storm area and shouldn't have had any
> problems.
> They were getting about the same wind in Montgomery and B'ham that we
> got here, so Tom may have had some power outage problems in his area, too.
> Thanks for everyone's concern and prayers!
> Ted
> Ted Hils
> Ted's Trucks 'N Stuff
> 1181 County Road 560
> Midland City, AL 36350
> 334-983-1092
> Mon - Fri 8 -5 Central Time
> > From:
> > Message-ID: <>
> > Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 00:33:15 EDT
> > Subject: [MV] Hurricane Ivan & listers
> >
> > Hey you guys up there near Ivan, let us know how you're doing! Jeff
> > Smith,
> > Ted Hils, Sonny Heath, Tom Campbell? Anybody heard from Houston
> > I
> > know I've missed a few names! Wayne Harris, y'all do OK there in
> > Co?
> > Kenny
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Nigel Hay -MILWEB" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] LVT-4 (G167 and G209) Amtrac Parts wanted.
> There is a complete LVT on in the armoured and tracked
> Classifieds.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ryan Gill" <>
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 5:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [MV] LVT-4 (G167 and G209) Amtrac Parts wanted.
> At 10:47 AM -0400 9/17/04, wrote:
> >Want to buy WW2 LVT 2 or LVT 4 parts, you know
> >those big tank-like amphibians often called
> >alligators, buffaloes or Amtracs. SNL G167 and
> >G209. Interested in parts vehicles, W670
> >aircraft-style radial engines, gauges, vision
> >blocks, wiring, track, seats, master switch box,
> >and lots of stuff. Individual parts or whole
> >lots. Thanks, Phil Dallosto (in Northern
> >Illinois)
> I think that SECO in Augusta has them.
> --
> --
> Ryan Gill
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> I speak not for CNN, nor they for me.
> But I do work there and still like the company.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
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> |s| |s| |s| |s| |x| |x|
> '60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/2)
> ----------------------------------------------------------
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> ===Mil-Veh is a member-supported mailing list===
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