Whiners.... great gilbert washout-Red Ball...

From: Jim Gilmore (jgilmore@ptd.net)
Date: Sun Sep 19 2004 - 19:28:39 PDT

Paul wrote,

>I drove three hours both ways to the Gilbert show on Sat. Signes were up, but no one was home. They (MRCA) have a web site, but it was not updated that the event was cancelled on Friday.


  Are you sure you came to the show?

   I and many other vendors were there on Saturday......where were you? No one home......?

  Just so you are clear on this........the event was NOT cancelled.......are you sure you went to the right show?

   And.......as for this web site.......who is the MRCA? The group that puts on the Gilbert MV show is the Red Ball Military Transport.........a MVPA affiliated group. Maybe you were looking at the wrong web site...........


  Did it ever occur to you that some vendors, knowing that a HURRICANE was coming Friday night.....with extreme weather and massive flooding predicted........wanted to be with their families at home to make sure they were safe???

   Or.......should they forget about their families and loved ones just to stay so you can get that part you want............

     Priorities .............family comes first.......

BTW.......there were over seven inches of rain Friday night.......the Delaware River crested 31 FEET over flood stage.

Jim Gilmore

Editor, Red Ball Military Transport

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