From: Bjorn Brandstedt (
Date: Fri Oct 01 2004 - 03:16:04 PDT
Mike, the entire video was too long and it would take way too much time to
upload. The one you looked at (120x160 at 10fps) took 35 minutes to upload
with my phone connection. There was one more run through the water and then
the mud, putting chains on and driving out (the chains are kept in one of
the boxes on the truck bed).
If I can get some feedback on quality of the video, proper settings for a
"best compromise" I can add the mud and chains part.
I did experiment with an upload showing the same run through the water, but
with about 4X the resolution (it took over 100 minutes to upload it, crazy!
and that's just for 80 seconds of video.
Maybe we should just sell (?) the 15 minute video with original audio on a
Have a great day!
>From: "Mike Maynard" <>
>To: "'Bjorn Brandstedt'" <>
>Subject: RE: [MV] M35 fording video Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 22:32:53 -0400
>Where's the stuck in the mud pics???
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bjorn Brandstedt []
>Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 9:06 PM
>To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
>Subject: [MV] M35 fording video
>Just added a short version of our fording video. No audio yet.
>It's my first video upload, so let me know if there are problems (lots of
>possible combinations of frame sizes, compression, formats, frames/sec etc,
>Thanks for watching,
>MVPA 19212
>Meadows of Dan, Virginia
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