From: Bill (
Date: Sat Oct 02 2004 - 15:52:43 PDT
I guess I took to much of a leap if the original path with my ebay
It was not a question of ebay sensoring this traitors beliefs as it was
questioning why ebay would allow him to sell Mr Kerry's book (listed
under other auctions) at far below market price by email. I do not
believe that Kerry or his publisher has authorized the distribution of
this book by email. While I do not support Kerry I do believe he is
entitled to the profits his book would generate.
It is my guess that many have complained to ebay about this guy
concerning his other antics so I am sure they know what he is selling.
Selling bootlegged copywrited material is banned by ebay. I am surprised
that Ebay would allow this character to flaunt this law...well then
again I guess I am not. :-(
If ebay is not going to stand by their rules I just wish some one would
list and sell me a Mint WW2 Underwood Carbine on ebay. (My mother made
these at Underwood during the war and I would like to get one).
Bill Wolf
Steve Grammont wrote:
>>I am surprized ebay lets this continue.....guess we know whose side they
>>are on.
>The side of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. While you might
>not agree with what this guy is selling (and I certainly don't), there is
>nothing illegal about it. No more than it is illegal to discuss how to
>make a bomb or how to bung up an abortion clinic's ability to operate.
>Look at the offerings in such right wing catalogs as Delta Press... you
>can learn how to become a hitman for hire for example. All of this is
>protected by the 1st Amendment, no matter how immoral it might be to the
>majority of people.
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-- ..."A good plan executed violently today is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite time in the future. General George S. Patton, Jr."Any ship can be a minesweeper . . . . once.
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