OFF TOPIC STUFF Like Re: [MV] ebay Kerry etc.

From: Ron (
Date: Sun Oct 03 2004 - 08:28:42 PDT

To all....

Make no mistake, Arthur IS out there.... I think he just has better things
to do in life than play policeman to a group of dopes who claim to be law
abiding adults but who think that the rules of the list apply only to the
other dopes on the list. It is probably as disturbing to him to watch the
list reduced to anarchy as it is for a parent to watch their child get
involved with the wrong crowd at school.
    I sent him an email a couple of weeks back when I was unable to get my
new address to 'subscribe' before my old provider shut down my account due
to a geographical move. I received a response from him in LESS than 1 and a
half hours after sending my message to him. He went to work immediately to
figure out why my subscribe request was getting ok'd by the automailer but
then just sat in the queue of his system, going no where. As you can see, I
am back on. Thanks, Arthur!!
     I really would not blame him if he did pull the plug on the list
someday. For those who are relatively new to the list and those 'oldsters'
with tendencies towards Alzheimer's, like me, please remember that Arthur
agreed to host the list as a favor for a friend who had an interest in HMV
collecting. The friend is no longer even on the list, so Arthur has no
'skin' in this game.
    The easiest way to kill the 'off topic' threads is to ignore them. Do
not reply to them on list. For that matter, don't reply at all! Eventually,
the dopes may realize that nobody is responding or rising to the bait. It
WON'T become an OT thread unless YOU reply to it!!!!
    After 3 months or so of just 'reading the mail' from the sidelines and
being unable to post, I hope to have learned be a good citizen here in the
future and behave, unlike some of our normally helpful folks on the list
whose fun meters appear to be 'pegged' on MAX of late due to the large
number of OT posts and threads.
     Though with some of the silly political and ignorant posts by some
here, on a world wide list, it WILL be difficult to just ignore the bait
and read on in search of HMV posts.....

    Pontification rant over,
    Regards, Ronzo
    Have Stare, Will Travel
    Collector of OD Lawn Art and Curios

1968 M35A2NAww & 0.50 cal. M2HB repro (runs, bad clutch)
1953 M37 (did, don't now)
1985 M1010 (runs, when the mood strikes it)
1968 M715 (doesn't, but close)
   4 M38A1 (none run, but rust in peace)
   2 M101CDN
     M116A1 (2 gen sets, one runs but don't generate, one don't run)
     M116A2 (2 gen sets, haven't tried either yet)
   3 H1 Aircraft Pre Heaters (none run yet, maybe ever?)

    PS... for those who wish to take this one step further and punish the
miscreants, I am available to be flown to their home locations where I just
have to look at their HMV(s) to make it/them NMC for the foreseeable future.
If I can touch it, or a component to be installed on it, the boy can change
his hobby to stamp collecting, for it will NEVER run again. Trust me on
this. I have a yard full of formerly excellent running HMVs in the yard
which proves this theory...

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: 02 October, 2004 19:20
Subject: [MV] ebay Kerry etc.

> You know, it seems to me that that dude on Ebay is about as
> inappropriate as all the off topic political mumbo jumbo on this list.
> Talking about breaking the rules!!!
> If Arthur ever decided to monitor this list again you off topic folks
> would be gone.
> Where are you Arthur???
> Please come back!
> We MVers miss you!!

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: 02 October, 2004 19:20
Subject: [MV] ebay Kerry etc.

> You know, it seems to me that that dude on Ebay is about as
> inappropriate as all the off topic political mumbo jumbo on this list.
> Talking about breaking the rules!!!
> If Arthur ever decided to monitor this list again you off topic folks
> would be gone.
> Where are you Arthur???
> Please come back!
> We MVers miss you!!
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