From: James Shanks (
Date: Sun Oct 03 2004 - 09:03:26 PDT
Grab the rubber fuel lines and check to see if they are soft or
hard as rocks outside surface area. If they are original equipment rubber
lines I would say the MBTE gasoline fuel additive (thank you California)
has attacked the inside of the rubber lines which become soft and goey.
Fire up the engine and a few minutes later the soft inner part of the
rubber fuel lines start closing off the supply of mogas for forward
locomotion. Other thought is check the fuel tank with a strong electric
light for SAND in fuel tank.
Heres hoping it's just fuel lines, there easier to replace then the fuel tank.
At 11:50 AM 10/3/2004, Dick Cummings wrote:
>Let's try this post again. My M151A1 starts fine. It runs for about 20
>minutes, then quits. I let it sit for about 10 minutes, then re-start it
>with no problem. It runs for about 3 minutes, quits again. I can repeat
>this many times. If I let it sit over night, the same pattern. Any
>thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Dick
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James Shanks
1985 M1009
1998 IMZ 8.103
1984 H-D FLHT-C
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