From: Bjorn Brandstedt (
Date: Mon Oct 04 2004 - 03:12:47 PDT
You will probably have to replace both nuts and bolts when
removing/replacing the turbo. I had to drill through the nuts to break them,
a "nut cracker" didn't fit in the space. Yes they may be hard to remove.
My thermocouple is located in the exhaust manifold and I consistently read
1100 deg F when the engine gets loaded down (that's when I easy off a bit).
The heat energy of the exhaust is used to turn the turbo, reducing the temp
some 300 degrees. Down stream temp is lower, of course.
I have used a digital type (Fluke DVM) for a readout and the fast response
of that instrument showed peks of temperature never indicated on the regular
"analog" pyrometer gauge.
MVPA 19212
Meadows of Dan, Virginia
>From: Patrick Jankowiak <>
>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>Subject: Re: [MV] M35 Turbo upgrade: Thermocouple and Pressure Gauge
>Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 19:01:58 -0500
>With all this advice, I am thinking about going ahead with doing a 'before'
>TC and also an 'after' one.
>Question-- just how hard is it to remove the turbo mounting bolts on the
>exh. manifold?
>anyone's tales of this would be welcome!
>intake looks easy - no heat no rust.
>Dick wrote:
>>Jim, I think you have it backwards. The exhaust gases cool about 300
>>degrees as they give up energy (heat) to the turbine side of the
>>Therefore, 1200 at the turbine inlet would be about 900 after the turbine.
>>Also, the temp after the turbine will vary quite a bit, depending on
>>throttle position, ambient air pressure/temp, humidity, etc.
>>IMHO, it's still best to install the sensor in the exhaust manifold as
>>close as possible to the turbine inlet.
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "James Shanks" <>
>>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>>Sent: 03 October, 2004 10:47
>>Subject: Re: [MV] M35 Turbo upgrade: Thermocouple and Pressure Gauge
>>> The thermocouple for the Pyrometer must be installed in one of
>>>two places only. Either just before all the exhaust gases enter the turbo
>>>or just after the gases exit the turbo. Any other location will give you
>>>incorrect readings that are useless to you. The Plug you referred to is
>>>on the exhaust manifold for ONE cylinder only and is a clean out plug to
>>>be used for that purpose only.When I go to work tomorrow I will take some
>>>pictures of what a proper after the turbo installation looks like and
>>>send them to interested parties.
>>> Limits for Pyrometer on the Multifuel engine are 900 Degrees F
>>>mounted before the turbo and 1200 degrees F mounted after the turbo.
>>>Operate beyond these limits and you can quickly melt pistons, liners,
>>>valves. If you operate beyond the limits the damage won't generally
>>>happen instantly but it turn a good running engine into one you wish you
>>>didn't have. I have seen it on more than one occasion.
>>>At 08:00 PM 10/2/2004, Patrick Jankowiak wrote:
>>>>How about putting the thermocouple here in place of this pipe plug?
>>>>Anyone ever 'successfully' removed this plug or know anything about it?
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>>>James Shanks
>>>1985 M1009
>>>1998 IMZ 8.103
>>>1984 H-D FLHT-C
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