From: Bob Ternes (
Date: Mon Oct 04 2004 - 10:10:04 PDT
To add to this, the 700r4 didn't receive final
refinement until the late 80s, shortly after
which, the 4L60 took over, which existed for a
short time before computerization added the -e
suffix to this new designation. The 700r4's
upgrades happened around the 1987 mark, and as I
recall the sunshell was upgraded and some other
refinements made.
By the way, any 700r4 or similar swap must
include provisions for the TV cable. A mate just
put a TBI 350 into an S10 and smoked the tranny
within a fortnight because he neglected the
Throttle Valve cable...
Fitment with the 208 case is interesting. Again
from memory, the 208 case uses the same 6 hole
pattern that the 231 has (and a bevy of other New
process-cum-New Venture gear transfer cases). The
thing about the 700r4 ilk is that they came in
two patterns where the tcase adapter bolts on -
one is 5 bolts and the other is 4 bolts.
In my opinion, to swap to the 208 (which is a
fairly good example of one of the newer chain
drive aluminum cases), get the adapter first and
then find the appropriate tranny donor for your
project. I have two 700r4's sitting in my house
(one belongs to a wrenching pal), and one is a
4L60e shell with 4 bolts on the rear and the
other is a nameless 700 or 4L60 with 5 bolts. So
just make sure you get the right tranny shell.
Bob Ternes
68 M35a2, worked on creating the 52" tire project
this weekend!
--- Glenn Shaw <> wrote:
> Hi
> I know that some people have had good luck
> using the TH 700R4 which is built
> by Jet Transmissions to the heaviest duty
> standards they can be built to.
> This transmission is completely non computer
> operated and can go with the
> common transfer cases out there. It will not
> be as trong as the 3L80 TH400
> but it should be OK for all but the toughest
> apps.
> GLenn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Placzankis []
> Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 6:27 PM
> To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [MV] 700R4 and 208
> Good Subject!
> For some time I've been contemplating a 4L60
> (the final and best
> version of the TH700) upgrade to my M1008. I
> want to be able to keep
> my 4.56 gearing AND be able to cruise up and
> down I95 where you often
> have to go 70+ mph just to follow the SLOWEST
> vehicle.
> How easy is this swap? ie. What are the
> details with respect to the
> driveshaft length, the vacuum line, and the
> fitting with the 208
> transfer case?
> Thanks
> plaz
> 1985 M1008
> On Oct 1, 2004, at 6:00 AM,
> <> wrote:
> > Hey Kenny, Put it in your M1009 - - you'll
> be amazed - I've done
> > two!!
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