From: Bjorn Brandstedt (
Date: Wed Oct 06 2004 - 16:24:05 PDT
Ran about a 1/4 tank with a mixture of 10% pure (store bought) veggi oil
and diesel. There was no noticable difference in power, but I had no good
way to actually measure the performance. The mix would not be good in the
I have collected the ingredients for about 10 gallons of biodiesel so that's
next. First step is to get the water and junk out of the oil, which comes
from a local pizza/fast food place. The methanol is actually "air brake
antifreeze" from NAPA.
>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>Subject: [MV] fuel
>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 12:53:17 -0400
>So what about the guys running bio diesel? Do they dye that?
>I know a contractor who fueled a small fleet of service trucks w/ heating
>oil. What are the pluses and minuses (other than legal) of operating that
>in a diesel?
>Someone on the list, maybe Bjorn, is mixing veg oil w/ diesel. I wonder
>how the power is w/ that combination.
>Dave McConnell
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