From: Glenn Shaw (
Date: Thu Oct 07 2004 - 07:50:39 PDT
Hi Darrell
I would drain out a little of the oil to bring it within normal range. I
will post this for you to see what the other guys on the list think also.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 3:44 AM
To: Glenn Shaw
Subject: Too much oil
Hi Glenn
My name is Darrell Ramsell.
I often see you on the list and I have a favor to ask you. I`ve been trying
to post a question to the MV list but it`s continually being rejected but I
have no problem receiving. I suspect the reason is that although I`m using
my account from online, I`m accessing it from a Japanese server (On
vacation). Could you please post the following question for me? I`d
appreciate it.
Subject: Too much oil
I recently had an oil change done on my HMMWV (6.2L engine) about three weks
ago. I recently checked my oil (cold) and the oil is about 1 to 1-1/2
inches above the full mark. I know this can cause problems with gas
engines. Is this true for diesel engines too.
Darrell Ramsell
86 HMMWV M-1044
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