From: Sonny Heath (
Date: Thu Oct 07 2004 - 16:25:47 PDT
I wonder how one could get the contact info on the place in Missouri who
sell those kits?
----- Original Message -----
From: Horrocks, Aaron <>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] fuel
It's been done already by hundreds if not thousands of unique individuals.
My main desire for a multifuel MV is just for that! Pickup used veggie oil
that would normally be tossed out, filter it, and pump it into a big bad
diesel truck. Extremely cheap, no middle east oil, and best yet (here comes
the pun) totally "green"!
Here's a pretty good article:
I'd really like the idea that I could drive a large, loud, low MPG, former
military vehicle... Be confronted by some Eco-nut/hippy - only to have me
brag how the truck runs on 100% vegetable oil and is far cleaner than that
Volkswagen their driving. =D
Aaron Horrocks
1952 M38A1
1986 G.P. Medium
-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List []On
Behalf Of everette
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 2:37 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] fuel
Many years ago (more than I care to remember) I worked at a Planters Peanut
store and in store room we had a device to filter oil that we cooked
nutmeats in, it took out trash and water dirt etc., even left over taste
from what had been cooked before, was a tank that held about 20 gallons,
there was a paper filter that went in bottom over wire mesh support, then we
poured in about 5 pounds of diatomaceous earth (what talcum powder is made
from) dumped in oil, pressurized vessel to 5 psi. opened discharge valve and
caught clean fresh oil. Opened lid and disposed of filter paper and dirty
earth. I was there about a year and many hundreds of pounds of raw
nutmeats were cooked in the oil and it was never replaced with new.
Some sort of adaptation to this should filter used cooking oil enough to
make it alright for fuel
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