From: Tom Kassab (
Date: Fri Oct 15 2004 - 07:54:50 PDT
I want to bring to everyone's attention that there is a lot of Fraud going around on eBay regarding vehicle transactions.
Since we sell vehicles on eBay this has been very apparent in the last couple of weeks to us.
This is an exact example of what a potential buyer has sent us:
Q: HI,Am an automerchant of years of experience with an array of clients around the coast of europe and africa,a client has placed a quote on your car and the need to get intouch to you for the buy it now price.Will you be able to accept a cashier check as a mode of payment?,my client has said he will only raise a certified cashiers check for the payment of your item and the shipping charges from the united States to it's new origin.This means the cashier's check that will be sent to you will include the money for the sales of your item, my commission as an automerchant and the shippers fees.What i want to clarify is that will you be able to send the excess fund on the check back to me through Western Union Money Transfer method as soon as you get the check and cash it and deduct the money for the sales of your item?Please your answer on this, will enable me to issue a directive to my client on the issuance of your payment to you asap.Do get back to me with your contact
One of these scammers actually sent me a Cahier's Check for a vehicle that I already sold. The check was for $3000.00 more than the asking price.
They want you to immediately deposit the 'Cashiers Check" and then immediately (before it can clear) send them the overage via Western Union - which is not traceable.
Here is what the letter said that came with the check:
Dear Seller:
I am sorry for the delay.
Please make excess funds available via Western Union within 45 minutes you recive the check.
Funds to be sent to:
Name - Abass Ayodeji
Address - Block 56 Flat 5 IJAYE HOUSING ESTATE
City - AGEE
State - LAGOS
Country - NIGERIA
The wiring information should be forwarded to my email box after transfer of funds, Info like:
- Money transfer control number
- - Test question and answer Q. What Month - Ans. August)
- - Exact amount sent after Western Union Charges
- - Senders Name and Address
The shipping arrangements has already been made and without the above mentioned information, nothing will be done.
Thank you.
After I received the check they contacted me wondering why I did not send them the money and I explained the car was sold and I would return the check. They replied not to send the check back because it was made out to me and that I should go ahead and deposit the check and "keep $200 for my troubles" and send them the balance via Western Union. - I told them I will not cash it and send it back and have not heard anymore from them.
The information on the check is: First National Bank , Member FDIC - Syracuse, KS Johnson, KS - Routing Number: 033630 Account: 101103686 - 400 005 6 Remitter: James Moore - Check number 33630
I have received no less than 12 of these emails like this. Also, they have been clicking on my "Buy it Now" buttons and costing me the eBay fees and time - I have reported this to eBay and they say they are checking into it - but who knows - I would recommend no buy it now buttons on your eBay auctions and also put wording in saying that if you are bidding and have "0" or negative feedback do not bid until you personally speak to me on the phone otherwise your bid will be cancelled.
It is unfortunate that this is happening to a good thing like eBay - but I just thought everyone out there should know about this.
Best regards,
Tom Kassab
Kascar, LLC
One Kascar Plaza
Greenville, SC 29605-6307
864.422.1707 fax
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