From: Royce C Hayes (
Date: Tue Oct 19 2004 - 14:06:45 PDT
I am in the RV rental business (semi-retired) and I just checked my 3rd
quarter. Even with the high prices of gasoline, my rentals up through
the 3rd quarter equal my rentals through the 4th quarter last year. My
deduction is that business is better than the Dems and Liberals want us
to know.
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 11:40:36 -0400 "Steve Grammont"
<> writes:
> I'm a business owner and entrepreneur. Last year we fired a CEO,
> who
> incidentally was making almost as much money as Bush (direct payroll
> that
> is), for poor leadership. He assured us he was doing "the best"
> and
> nobody could be expected to do better in this lousy economy. But
> after a
> year of watching him closely we decided change was needed. And
> whadda ya
> w... one year later and instead of losing millions we are profitable
> again, yet the economy is as bad as it was last year. Just because
> someone says they are doing the "best job" doesn't mean that they
> are.
> I the edited words of a LT COL friend of mine at the Pentagon "I
> can't
> believe how badly we are fudging things up over there".
> Steve
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