From: Sonny Heath (
Date: Tue Oct 19 2004 - 21:19:03 PDT
I believe the country is doing outstandingly well for all the BS our
Commander in Chief has been faced with in the last three years.
I just wish I could vote for him twice.
Unlike his oponent he tells the truth.
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Grammont <>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] mil veh war story
> Royce,
> >I am in the RV rental business (semi-retired) and I just checked my 3rd
> >quarter. Even with the high prices of gasoline, my rentals up through
> >the 3rd quarter equal my rentals through the 4th quarter last year. My
> >deduction is that business is better than the Dems and Liberals want us
> >to know.
> I'm in the manufacturing sector of the Northeast and live in the same
> environment. Things are not any better, though not worse, than they were
> last year. The rest of the economic indicators seem to show this as the
> average situation country wide. The worst might be over, but the 700
> good paying jobs that left over the last 3 years (all shipped overseas)
> in a county of 17,000 are not coming back. Nor is there anything to
> replace them. Similar stories in neighboring counties. In one town,
> where a major factor shut down, I can now pick up a house for about 1/2
> to 1/4 of what it was worth 3-4 years ago. And when I drive through I
> see more for sale signs than I care to think about.
> And to Joe,
> >Unemployment is the lowest it has been since the eighties, and economic
> >growth is the highest it has been since Reagan's second term. As a
> >percentage of gross domestic product, the deficit is lower than at any
> >during the cold war.
> Anybody can play with these numbers, which is exactly why I never use
> them. The jobless number does not include people that have given up on
> looking for jobs, which by some accounts is at an all time record high.
> The employment statistics also do not account for underemployment and
> wage reductions. Since most of the layoffs are happening in
> manufacturing and high tech, but major source of employment is from
> retail and service sector... not hard to see why this matters.
> Especially when costs of things, especially health care, are going
> through the roof.
> >Thank you, mainstream media, for keeping the American electorate
> >An informed electorate can make informed decisions for the good of the
> >country.
> I agree that the electorate is horribly informed by the mass media. But
> I'm sure you and I have a completely different take on how they are being
> mislead. As for me, I look around with my own two eyes to see how things
> are going. They are OK, and I think things have pretty much bottomed
> out, but I don't see things recovering in a way that should be celebrated.
> Steve
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