From: Ed Kirkley (
Date: Wed Oct 20 2004 - 09:21:10 PDT
Uh Ronzo, I think that Village Idiot 1st class outranks Village Idiot 3rd
class unless of course you think of a demotion as a promotion????
Mil-Veh content, I'm the King Village Idiot here and I love my
M-1009!!!!!!!!! :-)
K.V.I. #1
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 11:51
Subject: Re: [MV] Important announcement-reply
> or Marc (remember, YOU asked for them)....
> YOU could go off and establish a list (or lists) that pertain to the
> military vehicle type(s) that interest YOU and then YOU would not have to
> read all theses off topic posts that don't interest YOU that concern
> like Ferrets, M35s, M880s, M1010s, M37s and other Military Vehicles, of
> which M35s are a subcategory of, and have EVERY right to be discussed
> HERE!!!!!
> Plus a Bonus! You would be the MODERATOR on YOUR list(s) and ban
> people (like me) and posts (like this) that don't meet with your approval.
> Just like so many of the lists and forums that others from THIS list have
> started/pitched/disbanded with varying levels of success over the last 7
> years.
> Or send a message to Arthur and ask to be appointed a moderator on
> list and you can spend all your free time deleting messages (such as this)
> which are marginally related to ownership and operation of HMVs.
> Or use the much detested MS Outlook Express and use the 'Message
> function under the 'Tools' tab and list the criteria you want to pass only
> the messages you would like to read. But you'll miss a lot of GOOD stuff
> that gets mixed in with the posts that you filter.
> Occasionally even the village idiot contributes something
> my day is coming soon, I hope.
> But the best way to keep list messages ON TOPIC is to IGNORE the off
> topic posts completely.That way they will go away faster ....
> Help me Obi Wan....the Dark Side is strong and the voices in my head
> tell me to hit reply!
> Regards, Ronzo
> Village Cretin 1st Class, working on a promotion to Village Idiot 3rd
> Class
> Career Goal: Horse's Ass, with Mr. Ed Cluster
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Convoy Magazine" <>
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Sent: 20 October, 2004 10:46
> Subject: Re: [MV] Important announcement-reply
> > Marc
> >
> > BTW---musing--- there's so much M35 traffic, i wonder
> > just in passing if it might be of benefit to establish
> > a specific m-35 list?
> >
> > Could possibly better serve M-35 group and reduce
> > traffic in our mailboxes for those not really
> > concerned with m-35. YOur thoughts???
> ===Mil-Veh is a member-supported mailing list===
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